In my entire work, in my painting, in my creation, my dancing, I make the invisible world of feelings, thoughts, energies, and ultimately the flow of life energy visible.

I have always felt this infinite, invisible world around us.

This world is not just outside of me, it is connected to me, I am part of this world and I let it flow through me;  Create colored shapes, form words, create movements…

A captured moment, which is put together in the painting from a series of real moments and yet allows the flow, the constant change of our lives to become visible.


In my book “My Path to Manifestation” I describe how I came into surrender, into conscious connection with my infinite parts and thus into the power of conscious manifestation.

You can read it for inspiration even if you are not interested in the world of spirituality.

Because although the spiritual component is of course mentioned in a few sentences because it is simply part of my consciousness, this book is primarily intended as a guide for those who want to regain their natural power, their individual self-expression, their responsibility for their own life. 


In my second book “Manifesto for a New Earth” I channeled several different energies and frequencies on issues important to the New Era.

These are written down in this book in several chapters that the Spiritual World gave me.


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